Human Thesaurus Trailer
Human Thesaurus is launched! Here is the trailer for what you can expect from this new interview show with host, Wish Ronquillo Peacocke - a poet, indie author, tech geek with a penchant for words and human beings. Subscribe now for weekly episodes.
Wish 00:02
As humans, we are all defined by several synonyms or words that represent who we are to ourselves and others. Hence the show!
Hello dear humanity. Welcome to Human Thesaurus Podcast. I'm your host Wish Ronquillo Peacocke. With this podcast, I interview my fascinating friends and acquaintances who I love to talk to about everything under the sun. It's like catching up with them in a café or over cocktails. And here you are eavesdropping on our conversations while we explore what words define who they authentically are. Subscribe now for the first season. Episodes are released weekly.
Licensed music by Ketsa